wA Common Misconception |
Exciting stories of a slightly less-than-average girl's monotonous life. Guitars, small towns, bad jokes, and chicken.
I am 
and or 
California Blogs

wSaturday, October 06, 2001 |

In the past few days, people have been asking me how I want to be remembered. I have a simple answer to that. To be remembered at all is enough.
posted by
Colleen at 8:19 PM
wFriday, October 05, 2001 |

Saw Serendipity with Kimee tonight. Maybe I'm just caught up in the spirit of the movie, but I now see how important it can be to let someone know you like them and or whatever. Stephen Maches. There have been many like him but since I saw him tonight he comes to mind.
On the way home I turned when I wasn't supposed to and had to take the long way home. I got to listen to Elton John though. That Mona Lisa song and Tiny Dancer. I saw the people still out on the streets. It made me want to cry. I don't know why. Lots of things are like that I guess.
Gwah. I love you and I want to be with you and I want to spend time with you that I will look back on and smile.
Whatever. I am done now. Bye.
posted by
Colleen at 10:17 PM
wThursday, October 04, 2001 |

More from Walk Two Moons:
"It seems to me like we can't explain all the truly awful things in the world like war and murder and brain tumors, and we can't fix these things, so we look at the frightening things that are closer to us and we magnify them until they burst open. Inside is something that we can manage, something that isn't as awful as it had first seemed. It is a relief to discover that although there might be axe murderers and kidnappers in the world, most people seem a lot like us: sometimes afraid and sometimes brave, sometimes cruel and sometimes kind.
I decided that bravrey is looking Pandora's box full in the eye as best you can, and then turning to the other box, the one with the smoothbeautiful folds inside: Momma kissing trees, my Gram saying, 'Huzza, huzza,' Gramps and his marriage bed."
posted by
Colleen at 6:06 PM
w |

I just took Casey for a walk and there are ladybugs in the grass on the hill. Things always get better, I think, when the ladybugs come. I remember I used to go down there to the barn and stuff and collect them in bug jars that my dad would make for me out of old peanut butter jars. They would always die though. I used to collect caterpillars too. The black fuzzy ones. I haven't seen those in a long time. But then I don't go outside and walk around like I used to.
posted by
Colleen at 5:59 PM
w |

So I stayed home again today. Long story so I'll start at the begining. Last night my mom came home and I asked her how her day was, thinking she had parent conferences this week. She doesn't, but she said that her day had been horrible. Thinking that an answer like this deserved a bit more elaboration, I asked her why. She got very worked up and told me and my dad about this boy in her class who was giving her a lot of trouble. She had set up a meeting with his mother because the boy never does his homework and is generally an all-around mean, disrespectful kid. His mom never came. Apparently she was sleeping at 2 in the afternoon. Whatever. My mom yelled at the boy the next day. I didn't think that was right becuase it was his mom's problem. Anyway we got into big debate over her treatment of this kid, etc. etc. It ended in her saying, "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I've talked to enough people about it already." And me saying, "And they obviously all said the same thing I did or you wouldn't be so upset about it." She left the room then and I felt proud for an instant that I had "won." Then I felt bad. I apologized for arguing with her but she didn't say anything. I think she might have cried. I felt (and feel) terrible. I read on of my favorite books again, Walk Two Moons.
"...I wondered about all the things in the course of a lifetime that would not matter. I did not think cheerleading tryouts would matter, but I was not so sure about yelling at your mother."
So when I woke up this morning and did not feel good I told my mother and she got kind of angry and said, "So you don't want to go to school?" And I said, "Not really." And she said, "Fine, then. Go back to bed." And I felt worse but I went back to bed.
posted by
Colleen at 5:25 PM
wMonday, October 01, 2001 |

Another only mildly amusing day. Yes, there were high points. Like Eric singing some horrible tune next to me in Chemistry. And Debbie "punching" Nick and giving him a bloody nose. And Mrs. Degischer getting overly defensive of our school's administration for no legitamate reason. I've got plenty of homework to keep me busy for the next few days and I have two challenging tests tomorrow, but I'm still sitting here typing away about nothing. It seemed like there were things I wanted to mention, but I have forgotten them. High school life (or the high school lives of some people) has been too blatantly shown to me in the past few days, and while it shocks, scares, and disgusts me, I want to join them. Not really in that entirety, but I know what I mean. That is good. "Cult" meeting tonight. I'd better go slave in the fields of homework that will make my allergies and asthma flare up and kill me. (<--- bad metaphor). Bye.
posted by
Colleen at 5:11 PM
wSunday, September 30, 2001 |

Went to Border's today. They have a lot of good CD's. Someday I will have a lot of good CD's too. A huge collection and I can listen to any song whenever I want. Someday when I am rich. Anyway, in Border's, they had this Wonder Woman action figure on display and as I looked at it, I realized how big her breasts seemed. Have they gotten bigger over the years to keep up with society's growing obsession with them? It was strange. They start the fixation earlier and earlier these days. Little girls should not dress provocotively.
In photo the other day, I was listening to these girls talk about sex and wild parties and the like and then this one girl mentioned that her biggest fear was rape. Well if she didn't go around dressed so scantily and attracting guys in negative ways then maybe she wouldn't have to worry so much. I mean no matter what, rape is bad and wrong and terrible and so on, but there are sickos out there and they are less likely to bother you if you don't do things that would attract them.
Yes. Whatever. I'm tired and I still have homework. Bye.
posted by
Colleen at 8:10 PM