wA Common Misconception |
Exciting stories of a slightly less-than-average girl's monotonous life. Guitars, small towns, bad jokes, and chicken.
I am 
and or 
California Blogs

wSunday, February 01, 2004 |

Okay. Two things worth mentioning today.
One: See the comment link in the bottom corner of this post? You can now leave me messages!!! It is powered by this really awesome site called HaloScan. One thing that bugged me about Blogger was that it didn't have a note-leaving option thingy. Right. Well, HaloScan is free and it has finally made my blog complete.
Two: I have started another blog called The Gum Diary (yes, that is a clever homage to Hunter S. Thompson that I doubt most people will get). It is intended mainly for me to figure out how to get a boyfriend. Not that I really care too much about that (at least not right now), but hopefully it will be helpful in the future. So, if you like laughing at other people's misfortunes, you might enjoy it.
That's it...leave me a note!
posted by
Colleen at 11:06 AM