wA Common Misconception |
Exciting stories of a slightly less-than-average girl's monotonous life. Guitars, small towns, bad jokes, and chicken.
I am 
and or 
California Blogs

wFriday, October 31, 2003 |

I am 43% Punk Rock
 Well, I may know what punk is, but... Okay maybe some people think I am punk, but is that enough? Nope.
Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com
I am 64% Grunge
 I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.
Take the Grunge Test at fuali.com
I am 29% Goth
 Goth by night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.
Take the Goth Test at fuali.com
I am 41% Metal Head
 Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.
Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com
I am 28% Raver
 Well, I may have been to a rave. I probably know a bunch of ravers, but they may think of me as an outsider. That's okay, at least I am not a complete freak.
Take the Raver Test at fuali.com
I am 32% Geek
 You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.
Take the Geek Test at fuali.com
I am 34% Emo
 Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.
Take the Emo Test at fuali.com
I am 49% Ska
 I know the scene, I've heard the bands, and I am burned out. Well, these things happen. I will now go ahead and go through the same thing with Punk and Emo.
Take the Ska Test at fuali.com
I am 44% Tortured Artist
 I have some artistic ability, but it is probably a hobby and doesn't drive my life into a dark abysmal hole were I am alone and against the world.
Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com
I am 45% Internet Addict
 I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!
Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com
posted by
Colleen at 5:36 PM