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wWednesday, November 26, 2003

Okay...here's some more. I am starting to get addicted to hotornot again. Oh no! (By the way, I don't think "here's" is proper English because it's a conjunction of "here" and "is" and "is" is inappropriate when you're talking about something that is plural. It should be "here're.")

I'm pretty sure I have matched with this guy before. But I am afraid of commitment. Ha ha.
He is pretty "hot" and seems interesting, but is also sven years older than me.
I don't know why I clicked on this guy. He seems a little creepy now. But he looks familiar...
This guy's profile made me laugh...which is always a plus.
He seems a little...uh..."dark" for me, but nonetheless, he has some really cool interests.
I don't really know what he's talking about, but I like walruses too.
He has pretty nice teeth.

posted by Colleen at 3:51 PM

wTuesday, November 25, 2003

Help Me Get Married Before I Die

Seems cool but he likes Tenacious D
Fairly interesting and I find him attractive(!), but he lives in England
Really, really awesome...but he's already out of college
I can't really find anything wrong with him and his disillusionment with romance is endearing

posted by Colleen at 3:29 PM


I tried to get a livejournal account, but you need to get a dumb password from someone and even though Becca has one, I decided it wasn't worth it if they're going to be such facists about it. Then I went to deadjournal thinking that they wouldn't have the same dumb policy...but they do. I looked around for a while...tried to see if there was some way I could "hack into the system" with out asking anyone for a code or paying money. But I know nothing about hacking and it wasn't worth it anyway. I want nothing to do with them if they're going to make it into some popularity thing. I mean...what if I had no friends??? Then I would have to pay some hideous sum of money??? I will stick with OD and all of its disfunctional shortcomings rather than buy into that kind of thing. Bah!!!

I watched some old episodes of "Growing Pains" today. They were all suprisingly sexually oriented. Oh well...I learned a lot about the way good marriages should be. I think that people really can be that happy and have that kind of life if they can just find the right person. Ha ha. I guess that's why it naver happens...

posted by Colleen at 2:57 PM


Why I Am Not "Punk"

  • My parents bought me a car.
  • Until Jr. High, I thought there were only three punk bands that had ever existed in the world: The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, and Rancid and I attributed every "punk" song I heard to one of them.
  • I have never had to steal to get something I needed (ie. food, diapers, heroin).
  • I liked Blink 182.
  • I have never slept on the street.
  • I have never been in a bar fight.
  • I don't have any tatoos and I have never had anything unprofessionally pierced.
  • I have never gotten violent in a mosh pit (believe it or not...).

Why Punk Is Dead

  • Emo.
  • Hot Topic.
  • Pre-teen girls who like the Used and buy things that say "Punk Chick" although they have no idea who Iggy Pop is.
  • Paul Frank.
  • Alloy catalouges sell CBGB shirts.
  • The "original punks" have settled down and become responsible people, and the more recent "real punks" have had their lifestyle stolen from them by mainstream society.
  • It is trendy to be "punk"...the ultimate paradox, hence the corpse is now being dismembered.

Ahhh...sorry...I'm tired. This all proves that although I am no expert on the subject, I still realize the bloody, grotesque truth. I don't like punk music that much anyway, but idiots make me mad. Justice must be served!!!

posted by Colleen at 2:29 PM

wMonday, November 24, 2003

I wrote the summary for IIOHAG. I did it a while ago...on schedule I guess...but I have failed to do anything else even remotely related to that movie...except daydream about telling Conan O'Brien about the film on national television. Yes. I use the "punctuation" "..." too much. I probably also use quotation marks too much. Ah...I will stop my maundering, even though it is justified in that I have already said everything of value in my other journal. Still, I felt inclined to make an entry that was more than an outcome of a quiz or a score of a game. Alas, my attempt at doing that has failed. Failed horribly! I'm sorry.

posted by Colleen at 8:40 PM


Well, it took me about half an hour to sign in here since I never usually have to sign in...oh well.
More dumb stuff:

I did it in 4 seconds.
I deserved an A++!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
I did that on the first try. Woo hoo.

What Irrational Number Are You?
You are π

Of all the irrational numbers, you are the most famous. You have many friends and fans. Like many people, non-Euclidean geometry makes you feel uncomfortable. You are involved in so many things that it seems like it would take two of you to make ends meet.

You are particularly close to the rational number 22/7. However, you and e have been called "remarkable."

Your lucky number is approximately 3.14159265

Shiny Lemur
Straif's Blog

Ha ha...fans. Yes.

posted by Colleen at 8:30 PM

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