wA Common Misconception |
Exciting stories of a slightly less-than-average girl's monotonous life. Guitars, small towns, bad jokes, and chicken.
I am 
and or 
California Blogs

wTuesday, March 09, 2004 |

Even if I haven't been to a show in like a year, I still deserve some scene points.
I have an online journal that my real-life friends read +3 (it is not a livejournal -1)
I have gone to a show where I know the band +5
I have I have six zip-up hoodies with no dumb insignia +6
I have six pairs of "chucks" +12
I have glasses with black plastic frames +2
I have aviator sunglasses +1
I have a trucker hat +2 (it has my name on it +5)
I got "emo" on the Quizilla scene points test 28-33 (average) 30.5 (round down) 30 (divide by 2) +15
TOTAL = 49 scene points
I feel a lot better about myself.
posted by
Colleen at 5:58 PM
wMonday, March 08, 2004 |

Oh, I forgot to mention some type of commemoration to the day our school got shot up. Yeah. That was Friday, and I completely forgot, which I guess is good.
Purple gold and white remind us Sultan lives are true....something humble school....Hail Santana High.
Seriously, does anyone under the age of thirty know their high school song thingy (with the exception of Kimee, who sang it at graduation)? I don't even know what it is called. Eh. Anyway...that was kind of a sucky thing, but a few humorous stories came out of it...although I always feel like it is in really bad taste to tell them to anyone besides...well I guess anyone besides Kimee. And she already knows them. Eh.
I will make an entry in that gum thing and write a few essays. (Sorry if that great portrait of Raphael doesn't show up. It's not my fault.)
posted by
Colleen at 5:47 PM